Thursday, April 30, 2009

I have a rough version of my text project ready for the crit tomorrow. I am a bit worried that it is lacking something.... it seems a bit flat.
I still need to add: 
audio -  I think I will use a sound clip of 'under water' because it was like the sound in my head while I was doing the automatic writing task. It was a sort of low, irregular humming, and seems to suit my piece as I felt submersed in my thoughts. As they became more erratic, I felt my heart rate rise a little and I felt excited and inspired. If I was to put this feeling into a sound it might be something with a higher pitch, perhaps the sound of a glass being tapped. After the lecture on sound, I would like to create my own sound clips, but I guess it depends on how much time I have.

I might slow a few of the bubbles down, some which are at the front of the screen, so the viewer has more of a chance to read some of them. Although, the main point I am trying to convey is the feeling of frustration and dis-order I experienced in trying to record all the thoughts that went through my mind while I was automatic writing. I did the task several times and found that each time, my thoughts started off slow and orderly but as I relaxed into the task, I found that my hand wasn't able to keep up with my head as thoughts came and went before I could record or finish recording them. They were overlapping and intertwining.
In my piece, I attempted to re-create this feeling for the viewer, in the overwhelming movement, speed and directional changes in the thought bubbles.  

The idea of my piece is not for the viewer to be able to read the text exactly, but to able to experience the feeling my particular flow of thought and stream of consciousness. 
I wanted to capture the concept of 'automatic writing' - an unpredictable, uncontrollable, continuous, unedited and at times confusing and frustrating process. 

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