There were several moments during this time when I felt frustrated because one thought would slide into my mind before the previous one had finished or had been resolved. I want to re-create this feeling in the viewer by creating a scene where only some of the text is readable. This may be because it is moving too fast or there is simply too much to take in. I think this also adds a sense of intrigue and the viewer would feel the sense of frustration I did as the text would disappear before they got a chance to read it or finish reading it. It keeps the viewer on their toes.
This feeling was particularly relevant in the early stages of my automatic writing as my thoughts started out very orderly and organised.
I want to display the change in my state of mind and consciousness which I experienced during the automatic writing. To begin, my thoughts were controlled and orderly - as if I was trying to organise and categorise my thoughts. As time passed, my thoughts became much more chaotic, random and non-sense as I relaxed and could forget about previously 'dealt with' thoughts.
I plan to depict this idea of change through changes in the movement of the thought bubbles. Starting off evenly paced and moving in the same direction, gradually becoming more erratic and chaotic in movement, pace and direction. Eventually the buzzing thought bubbles fill the screen.
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