I am unwell at the moment (pretty sure it's not swine flu....) and was unable to go to the critical session today. I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to get any feed back and advice on my piece. However, I have been able to show it to my family members today and have got some ideas as to adjustments I need to make. These include slowing a couple of the bubbles down or making it so that there is more of a chance to read more of the text, I think this can be done and still maintain the idea of fast moving, overlapping thoughts that come and go before you can really consider them. I also plan to show some other people, friends mainly, over the weekend and see if there are any common observations and suggestions made which I could work on. I have shown a couple of people in my e-media class over the last week, and have had some responses which pointed out good things, such as the aesthetically pleasing 'stream-like' movement, vibrant colour to engage the viewer, and an interesting concept relating to 'automatic writing'. Some people suggested that the text moves too fast to read, this generally happened before I explained the reasoning for this. However, I understand that as a visual piece it needs to be engaging, hence the decision to make changes previously discussed. Unfortunately, missing out on the crit means that I will have to show it to as many people as possible, to form my own sort of 'crit'.
I am also considering changing the background to something with a little more depth, as I feel it is looking a bit flat at the moment.
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